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VideoArtlab is part of
StationS multimedia, founded in 1989 by Ivo van Stiphout

As an audio-visual artist Ivo graduated at the Rietveld academy, Amsterdam and with a wide interest in science and technology
he starts to share his knowledge and expertise with others in the field of fine arts
After 12 years of experience as member of the Netherlands Institute for Media Art (MonteVideo)
he continued to work for artists and organisations to produce and exhibit their works of arts.
Videoartlab is specialised in audiovisual exhibition design en installation.

contact: ivo[at]videoartlab.nl

address: Werkgebouw Het Veem, van Diemenstraat 410, 1013 CR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 20 210 10 20 / +31 (0)6 14374675